The Circle of Life



Being born to die is the old and most famous circle of life.

Generation after generation is born and will sooner or later go the same way as everyone else before them; they play, learn, work and obtain property.

All our efforts and results will eventually disappear like snow before the sun.

Here and there a leftover remains from the previous generation, which the next generation can build and expand on in a positive but also in a negative way.

Our knowledge about all kinds of things is increasing, but wars are still being waged with great intensity.

We become more and more skilled in stretching our life expectancy, but jealousy, envy, hatred, theft, murder, to name but a few, continues to haunt us and sometimes catches up with us.

The heroes of the old days are being replaced by new heroes in politics, culture and music.

Humanity in general and in particular in the Western world, sees better times than in the past.

Yet we have not been able to achieve a truly civil, decent and acceptable level of inner civilization and renewal.

On the outside our modern society in many cases seems what it should be.

” What Christians have become good at, is to make the outside look attractive, while living on as the same unchanged people “

However, if we look closely in the mirror of our very existence there is still not much that has changed in man’s inner self.

When it comes down to it, people still exploit each other through political, religious and economic systems.

Christianity unfortunately is no exception, apart from a few individual cases.

In general it can be said that Christianity and thus also Christians are not the salt of the earth what they should be, at least according to the words of Christ.

What Christians have become good at, is to make the outside look attractive, while living on as the same unchanged people.

This pious sauce is visible on almost all levels of humanity.

Where a non-believer is not hindered by cultural, political, economic or religious restrictions, he/she can do what he or she feels like without much moral awareness; to enrich themselves, to offend others, to show arrogance, to wage war, and even if murder and manslaughter are justified.

These expressions, others would say qualities, have been part of humanity since old times.

Unfortunately, that is true.

It should be different for Christians.

After all, they follow in the footsteps of Jesus.

Nothing, again unfortunately, is less true.

The person who comes into contact with the gospel and wants to follow Christ, soon comes into contact with the mores of the church or the community where he/she wants to feel at home.

” The closed circle of the religious/spiritual life is in general on a large scale still not been breached, except for the individual bright spots in the world “

With the developed dogmas as deadly legislation at hand, the followers of Christ in that church or community are brainwashed in a way that every denomination and in some cases local churches and groups, call themselves the true church, the true followers of Christ.

The other non-affiliated Christians have actually not yet seen the light and are actually pitiful people in their eyes.

Almost everyone retreats to his own safe, sacred home to proclaim from there that they are right and that the other must repent.

The inhabitants of these sacred homes have become masters in camouflaging and/or justifying their own deeds.

They think they are the salt of the earth that Christ will be proud of, but in reality they are unchanged people who lie and cheat just as much as anyone else.

They enrich themselves just as easily at the expense of someone else as those who live outside those Christian walls.

The developed dogmas, creeds of various churches are more important than the example that Christ has left us.

True freedom in Christ is therefore often not present at all.

The structures of the churches and the hierarchy in those churches are so decisive that the leaders feel and regard themselves untouchable and rule their subjects ruthlessly in order to pump them full with sense, but especially with a lot of nonsense and unnecessary death weight.

The moral of the church is even adjusted if this is more convenient to the leaders of the church.

Like for example with Trump where many evangelical Christians turn a blind eye to lying, cheating and committing adultery, as long as he arranges other things for them such as adjusting the abortion law.

It is no longer about serving the truth, but about safeguarding one’s own interests at the expense of that truth.

Lying is okay, not only for Trump, but before trumpism already has been established by a judgment of the High Court in The Hague in 2000, which stated that it is allowed to lie, because they, in this case Christian declarants of false charges, fully believe in that lie.

That does not mean that having certain traditions is wrong by definition.

However, where this distracts and deters from doing well in the name of Christ and the Love of God in mankind, this is a completely wrong thing.

Every Christian can see in his own denomination and local church and determine which tradition contributes to his faith in Christ and which not.

If Christians are capable of doing and saying the same as those who believe differently or are different, then in this respect nothing has changed in the circle of life.

Overseeing the history of mankind, it turns out to be so.

The closed circle of the religious/spiritual life is in general on a large scale still not been breached, except for the individual bright spots in the world.

The most important cause lies in the fact that they cling to the Canon and the therefrom rising laws and inconsistencies of and in the Old and New Testament and the creation of new dogmas, like in the 19th century the creation of the veneration of Mary.

Another great danger and especially in the so-called more free churches and groups, is the constant search for new experiences in the spiritual life.

” The spiritual circle of life is not new and is regularly repeated and revived in the history of man “

This leads to all kinds of excesses and so-called “soaring to heaven”, causing many people psychological emotional distress.

For many who participate in trying to reach ecstasy it can be addictive.

Without this extreme ecstatic feeling, God is far away for them.

Examples of these derailed thoughts are learning to dance in the spirit, falling in the spirit and extreme exorcism.

In this way followers in and from the church are shown and taught that they are on the right track.

Actually they are so brainwashed that these believers do not realize that they live in a bubble, a fantasy world.

This spiritual circle of life is not new and is regularly repeated and revived in the history of man.

Where this does lead to, is that these believers are so concerned with themselves and their own inner self that they don’t have time for each other, their fellow man who would like to meet the good of Christ in you and me.

In this area as well there is the repetition of the circle of life, not yet broken on a large scale, given the number of active self-involved Christians.

We are born, we play, we learn, we work, we collect property and we believe; they have not changed that much as Christians often like to see themselves.

All potential human qualities are also present in those who say they follow Jesus, including love and hope, but also jealousy, lying against better judgement, hatred, envy and arrogance.

We won’t ignore what makes us human as a Christians. The circle of life is complete so therefore time to…..!?