

If we look at globalism and its counterpart in general, it seems that clear globalism which has an eye for the personal interests of individual people and groups, slowly is losing ground.

After all, at the heart of the matter the two big players on this world stage, namely Russia and China, are not at all interested in serving the interests of the world and its people.

At the center of their thinking is their national pride and interests.

In addition, the once influential USA under the leadership of Trump since 2017, has already left the course of globalist thinking and acting to a large extent in 2018 and actually joined the camp of nationalist thinking and acting states, such as China and Russia.

This has not only consequences for the reasonable balance in the world that still exists in 2017, but the consequences for the poorer countries in the world and especially the poorest of the poor in those countries, cannot be overseen.

The three superpowers are not or hardly concerned about the ups and downs of these populations.

Especially now that the USA has drastically reduced its funding from the UN in this area.

” If the power of the republican party is broken during those elections and the democrats and/or the independents form the majority in the House and the Senate (both form the Congress), then there is still a glimmer of hope for the USA itself, but especially for the free world that wants to act and think globally “

The consequences will certainly be felt, unless the tide in the US can be reversed in the short term by, for example, an impeachment procedure following the results of the appointed Special Council, led by Robert Mueller.

Another possibility is the midterm elections in November 2018 for the House of Representatives and the Senate.

If the power of the republican party is broken during those elections and the democrats and/or the independents form the majority in the House and the Senate (both form the Congress), then there is still a glimmer of hope for the USA itself, but especially for the free world that wants to act and think globally.

After all, now all power lies with the Republicans who form the majority in the House of Representatives and the Senate.

The White House is also currently occupied by the candidate elected by the Republicans as president, Donald J. Trump.

An outright disaster as said for the balance in the world in terms of peace, cooperation and looking after those who need help very badly.

Has the current world become so dependent on the ideologies of the three superpowers?

Now that the balance has shifted to the extreme nationalist thinking of all three great powers, it becomes very painfully evident on the globe on which we live.

Still there is more than a glimmer of hope and that is what we find in Europe here-and-now, at least if the (extreme) nationalists do not get the upper hand there either.

The wind of nationalism is felt, but has nowhere to survive, except in Italy, Poland and Hungary at this moment.

However, the now 27 countries which are members of the European Union will have to be very vigilant to prevent a further extreme flood of (extreme) nationalist influences.

The European Union is the only remaining influence of power, together with other free countries such as Japan, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Korea, which advocate clear globalization for the benefit of its own inhabitants, but also for the inhabitants of those countries who need assistance in all kinds of areas, like in times of famine, or because of the consequences of internal wars and catastrophic disasters.

” If globalism is carried out in the right way it is and will be a blessing for all countries and their residents who are open to it “

The EU and the other aforementioned free countries therefore support initiatives to combat these kind of issues through the UN and/or other institutions and organizations active in this area.

Trade agreements from which everyone benefits are also being signed, but in other areas as well cooperation takes place for the sake of its inhabitants such as in the field of scientific research, education, the environment and culture.

If globalism is carried out in the right way it is and will be a blessing for all countries and their residents who are open to it.

(Extreme) nationalist thinking and acting does not solve a thing and the conclusion is that nationalism bankrupts the world in which we live, without hope for a harmonious living and working together and with a serious lack of inner and factual peace in man and on earth.

Is the EU so perfect that it will become a kind of an angel of mercy in this growing nationalist world?

No, the EU is not perfect and has a long way to go domestically before a much desired one nation of the United States of Europe is created, while preserving the identity of the member countries and the associated cultures.

These developments however, are ongoing and also necessary to form a good and strong counterweight to the three superpowers who all think and act from a nationalist awareness.

In this sense the EU is together with the aforementioned other free, not extreme nationalistic countries, a burning candle, a beacon of hope in an increasing hopelessness in the dark world in which we live.

The “it all about me first” movement should have long since been dismissed, but unfortunately the re-emerging (extreme) nationalism teaches us differently.

Nevertheless despite these developments, wanting to be on the road together is the future that belongs to all people in this world.

This is a real positive, global song to our ears!

This brings us to the important point of how Christians and those who feel that they are addressed by Christianity need to be prepared.

After all, Europe has a Christian-Jewish culture and history; from Roman Catholic to Orthodox believers and from Protestants to all kinds of sectarianism based on the Bible.

Of course everyone is free to choose one or the other.

No one, even the writer of this op-ed can impose the law on others and determine what she/he should or should not do.

Christian or no Christian is of no significance.

Doing the right thing is the basis of how Christ thinks and acts and this should be the guiding principle of the followers of Christ.

The fact is that lying, cheating, distorting the facts to name a few, is part of the strategy of the (extreme) nationalists.

In this way, everything that has value, in particular the objective facts, like an apple is an apple and not a banana (CNN-ads), is undermined.

The idea behind it is that if you repeat long enough that an apple is a banana, many people start to believe it is true.

That is the tactic of nationalism and applied by leaders such as Trump, Putin, Erdogan, Duterte, Le Pen and many others.

What they say, what they promise seems too good to be true.

Many people including Christians support this kind of lies by voting for these leaders during the elections. However these leaders are wolves in sheep’s clothing.

It sounds nice, only the majority of what they tell is simply not true!

The only thing these leaders want is to create a new order in society in which they are the determining factor.

Exercising power in extremes is their credo and the end justifies the means.

Lying is one of them and not the most unimportant subject in the handbook of the nationalists.

Silencing opponents is another expedient of this handbook.

” The fact is that lying, cheating, distorting the facts to name a few, is part of the strategy of the (extreme) nationalists “

The traditional media that has been operating for years and that approaches them critically, such as CNN, NBC, ABC, Bloomberg and many others, is regarded by the nationalists as fake media.

However the real fake media is used by the (extreme) nationalists as a vehicle for their message, such as Fox News, Breitbart, the Russian-led troll factories and others.

In some nationalist countries journalists are imprisoned and if necessary, killed.

This nationalism almost always results in dictatorship, in this way putting into practice the above defined actions much more easily.

Wanting to do well as followers of Christ is at odds with most of the nationalist program and is not at all consistent with their handbook.

As described, the EU is the only and by no means perfect bright spot in the inky darkness of nationalism.

But the EU is in any case striving to deliver as good as possible for all its inhabitants, without falling into a power struggle and wanting to determine the world economy.

Yes, building a military power of the EU, but not to determine what should happen in the world.

Only for defense and in some cases to support countries outside of Europe.

Yes, improving the economic conditions inside and outside of Europe where everyone benefits if the prosperity increases.

Not wanting to become a superpower just like the three big players in the world are striving for.

Yes, that means working together within the EU and seeking consensus with like-minded people outside the EU, such as Japan, Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, etc.

Yes, that also gives us the opportunity to share our prosperity and insights with those countries and their inhabitants who are less fortunate, such as in Africa and Asia.

Not from an attitude of “what do I get in return”, but just doing well to our fellow man whoever it is and where ever in the world.

” Christians therefore have the evangelical duty to step out of their comfort zone when there is an opportunity to help others, to stand up against the evil in this world, to show through actions that things can be done differently “

Yes, it also makes it possible to prevent conflicts in the world and where necessary actively resolve them through peaceful means, such as in the Middle East the problem between Israel and the Palestinians, but also the increasing problem of Iran on the one hand and the Arab world on the other.

Yes, the EU also offers opportunities to tackle bubbles in society through regulation such as banks, the internet and the associated social media.

The EU can become this bright spot in society as long as people who work in it want to do the right thing for all residents and humanity in particular.

Then this bright spot can be decisive in a positive way in the world, if the inhabitants of the member countries of the EU vote for those European parties that want to do good.

Christians can be an important force in this and even become much more significant.

After all, Christians do not need to feel threatened, to shield themselves and to respond from that position to those around them.

Christ teaches us as His followers to be there for all people in both word and deed; homosexuals, transgenders, immigrants, homeless people, addicts, you name it.

Christians therefore have the evangelical duty to step out of their comfort zone when there is an opportunity to help others, to stand up against the evil in this world, to show through actions that things can be done differently.

To stand up against (extreme) nationalism is an act that should be very normal for the followers of Christ, whatever denomination he/she feels at home with.

A Christian is not a herd animal but a free person, who decides when and how he/she stands up against the evil in this world, including the emerging (extreme) nationalism.

This way all people, including the followers of Christ, can make positive changes in Europe and the rest of the world.

And yes, the European Union is an important tool in this.

Together in diversity we are strong to do well and to accomplish the wellbeing for all people. Honesty and justice also means that we can share with all people in this world!