The continent of Europe has a history of a lot of blood, the necessary sweat and at least as many tears.
Many wars alternated with intermissions of relative peace and quiet brought Europe ultimately where it is today.
While Christians were a forbidden underground operating, secret and consequently persecuted organization at first, especially on a local level, once above-ground and recognized as a Christian Church by the authorities, they quickly eliminated almost all of the defiance of the first centuries.
Christians quickly adapted to the new possibilities.
In this way, they quickly became the face and policy for the various governments throughout the ages and intrigues and other dark things had become commonplace.
” While Christians were a forbidden underground operating, secret and consequently persecuted organization at first, especially on a local level, once above-ground and recognized as a Christian Church by the authorities, they quickly eliminated almost all of the defiance of the first centuries ”
One, as well as many Christians, quickly got blood on the hands. Many crusades under the guise of the Christian banner were carried out in an unsparing way, including children’s armies.
The Jews also had to suffer in many pogroms carried out by the rulers of that time and justified with the necessary biblical texts.
Jews were not safe in many places in old Europe. Only the Muslims, who owned a large part of present-day Spain, appreciated and approached the Jews as nowhere else in Europe.
The church and its institutions were dominating and the peace on the Spanish peninsula was a thorn in their side. Ultimately, the Christians also drove away the Muslims with an end to peace for the Jews as a result.
But among many Christians in the above-ground church too, defiant behavior and speech could thankfully still be seen and heard. For the leaders of the ruling church this was however an unacceptable affair with the exception of those dissenting ideas that could still be brought under the Roman flag, such as the many monastic groups and the Jesuits.
The rest as well as the various protesting groups that attacked the authority of the pope and his cardinals, were persecuted by fire and sword and by means of false accusations such as witchcraft.
Pyres, hangings, beheadings were a common phenomenon in those dark days performed by and on behalf of the Christian church.
The inquisition was in full swing during that time, nipping every deviating sound in the bud.
Since Christians became the defining influence in Europe under the Christian banner and legitimized and substantiated by the necessary biblical texts, there have been more people, including Christians, persecuted and put to death by Christians than in the period that the Christians were an underground faction (first four centuries).
Many Christians have therefore been fleeing in the past centuries for Christians who were totally intolerant.
Particularly the Low Countries, England and eventually America became important sanctuaries. Intolerance had become a trademark of the Roman Catholic Church, but Protestant groups developed a similar intolerance to other Christians.
” Our European roots are therefore deeply culturally and religiously rooted in what the above-ground church, including that of the Protestants, has achieved “
The above-ground church has developed over the centuries in such a way that Christian influence has become defining for today’s Europe, partly because of its roots in Judaism.
Our European roots are therefore deeply culturally and religiously rooted in what the above-ground church, including that of the Protestants, has achieved.
The way of how we believe often has the same intolerance of people who think differently.
The way economics has developed is strongly determined by these above-ground churches and the influence of Judaism on the church.
Political thinking and speaking can be traced back to the developments and power of those above-ground churches.
The way in which we primarily serve our own interests has the same roots in the above-ground Christian faith.
That has not only resulted in a high degree of intolerance through the ages, but especially in many bloody and terrible, unjustifiable wars with millions of deaths in Europe.
The last examples of this can be found in the last century, the First and Second World War and the Balkan War.
The question is therefore, whether this intolerance of churches, believers and others who are affected by this, is this the way of Christ? Were the Christians during the first four centuries in the underground period, not closer to the Way, the Truth and Life, in and with Christ?
They were defiant at that time and therefore a threat for the ruling elite.
Now it seems that everything and everyone who is defiant towards our Christian way of thinking and acting, is a threat to our (spiritual) well-being.
Are we still credible as contemporary Christians?
Do we still have the same attraction as in that underground period of the Christian church?
Trump’s moral, lies and twisting and turning, among other things, is broadly supported, tolerated and justified by the same above-ground church.
What is the status of the Christians in Europe? How intolerant are we people in Europe and especially Christians in terms of the defiant others?