



Globalism is a collective term for all kinds of activities, whether or not carried out by organizations, entities and personal initiatives.

All the people involved in global actions do this from a certain, often well-defined vision.

Examples include large and medium-sized companies that want to trade worldwide in order to strengthen their economic positions and interests.

Countries acquire global power and influence through militairy deployment in interventions in other countries, as the USA has done and is still doing.

The Soviet Union also uses this aggressive military deployment.

However, Japan is deploying the military worldwide to support and build up, especially in poor countries.

China on the other hand, is fully committed to expanding its economic power and influence through state-owned enterprises that help governments around the world, such as Africa, South America and Asia, in certain and often large and expensive projects in countries that aren’t able to do that themselves.

But also evangelists, missionaries and others who proclaim the Christian message worldwide fall under the activities of globalism.

” Globalism is not something of just the (post) modern time; what is new, is that it is happening on a very large scale today, economically, militarily as well as spiritually “

This involves bringing people in other countries under the influence of certain ecclesiastical and Christian organizations.

The same also applies to Islam.

These and many more examples fall under globalism and the globalists are the personal participants.

All in all this globalism is not something of just the (post) modern time.

It already took place at the origin of the history of mankind.

Rulers try to expand their territory and tribes seek out for better living conditions.

What is new, is that it is happening on a very large scale today, economically, militarily as well as spiritually.

Governments conclude all kinds of treaties among themselves in the economic field, such as the NAFTA treaty between Mexico, USA and Canada, the TPP agreement between eleven countries, but the EU too has emerged from such an agreement.

Increasingly not only economic barriers are being dismantled in this way.

It is also becoming easier for people to travel anywhere; visa restrictions are completely removed and the possibilities for long-term stay in other countries are made more flexible.

Naturally this has major consequences for the composition of residents in those countries, as well as for the development of prosperity in the countries that are active in globalism.

Globalism is now blamed for the fact that globalists as proponents of globalism, are the cause that poverty has increased in certain parts of certain countries.

Many people were often unemployed in those parts of the country.

Think of the steel industry, aluminum for processing and coal mines in certain states of the USA.

However, there are also many examples in Europe, such as in France, the Netherlands, Belgium, etc.. Too many to mention.

” The government should respond better to actively help the people affected in those areas to re-train to new technologies as well as to guarantee a process that enables these people to get to work in these new technological developments “

The fact is that these parts of those countries have fallen behind when it comes to taking advantage of the increased prosperity and the associated certainties.

However, what the globalists are accused of is in most cases incorrect.

After all, not globalism is the cause of the decline in those areas.

It is mainly the modern technological developments that caused it, such as the automation in production processes in for example the car industry, but also in the mining industry.

The influence of the internet and the related ICT industry is also a not insignificant factor.

In addition, there was and is the growing realization that the climate worldwide has not improved with the extraction of all kinds of fossil raw materials.

After many years of struggle the changing climate has finally become an important starting point for what must be the best course to take for the world in which we live.

This means that new industries are emerging that have to replace the old fossil raw materials.

Think of the large-scale production of solar and wind energy.

Many jobs will disappear, but many more will be added due to these developments.

The government should respond better to this to actively help the people affected in those areas to re-train to new technologies as well as to guarantee a process that enables these people to get to work in these new technological developments.

The globalists know one thing for sure, globalism can not be stopped.

After all, the countries in the world have become so very intertwined by all kinds of initiatives throughout the ages and especially now through all concluded (trade) treaties, that it is impossible to reverse that.

A government that does that, isolates itself from the rest of the world with all (economic) consequences.

Old industries have been diminished by the increasing awareness of climate change and new technological developments.

New companies stand up, focused on the future and with an eye for the interests of a proper climate.

It is this concluding of treaties, in a certain way removing national borders, in which the globalists are also given the opportunity, if this fits their vision, to distribute the wealth and prosperity more effectively among the people in order to improve their existence and eradicate poverty, food and water shortages.