Edith Heleen Blankespoor, born on October 31 1973 in The Hague, filed charges of sexual abuse by her father, Fred Blankespoor and his two brothers, Henk and Gerard Blankespoor on September 30 1998. Hans Jongsma, a Public Prosecutor’s Office employee, would also be involved in this abuse.
Edith Blankespoor refuses her cooperation with the legal Court expert, Dr. H.J.G. Soppe, because she did not have a “click” with him.
She declares to have systematically been abused in various ways by the above mentioned persons at various locations in Velzen, The Hague, Honselersdijk and Rijswijk.
” Edith Blankespoor states that the previously mentioned men have never been able to rape her anally, because she has strong glutes “
She also states that she has been aborted by Fred and Gerard Blankespoor on a Sunday with an iron rod, which was forcefully pushed into her vagina by Gerard moving it up and down. This took place in the ecclesiastical area in The Hague.
She further declares that she now and then has seen some blood in her underware afterwards! She was very ill after this intervention and almost could not walk.
Edith Blankespoor also stated that the previously mentioned men have never been able to rape her anally, because she has strong glutes.
– The dates Edith Blankespoor mentions in her (false) charge just support the statements of Gerard Blankespoor.
It is impossible that Gerard Blankespoor could have been there at those dates and times.
Usually Gerard Blankespoor was in the USA (see passport stamps), Poland or Spain. On the other dates mentioned by Edith, Gerard Blankespoor was standing on the pulpit in Apeldoorn.
Therefore it was and it is impossible that he was in the USA and/or Apeldoorn and raped or aborted her in The Hague at the same time.
– Not only Gerard Blankespoor denies what Edith has stated, but also, according to Edith Blankespoor, the co-perpetrators in her rapes, namely Henk Blankespoor, Fred Blankespoor and Hans Jongsma strongly deny that this has happened.
– Also the ex-wife of Gerard Blankespoor and the ex-wife of Fred Blankespoor both declare to have never observed anything of Edith being sexual abused.
– In the police report all witnesses (eight persons) declared that what Edith Blankespoor stated could never have taken place on those dates, places and times she states in her report.
– The fact that the joint rape of Edith Blankespoor, emphasized in the strongest terms by the witnesses mentioned above, was partly impossible, is due to the following reason: the Blankespoor brothers, certainly at the dates Edith mentioned, lived at odds with eachother, were not on speaking terms and did not see or talk to each other at all, let alone that they met each other after church services in The Hague and performed a brutal rape together as Edith describes in her charges.
– That Edith was pregnant of the Blankespoor brothers and before Gerard Blankespoor performed the abortion, is not supported by her mother, Fred Blankespoor’s ex-wife, who says she never noticed any of this.
” She declares that she noticed some blood now and then in her underware afterwards; as the abortion Edith Blankespoor describes was true, blood would have been running down her legs “
Also the statement about being pregnant is not supported by Edith Blankespoor’s family doctor, nor by any other authority.
– As the abortion Edith Blankespoor describes was true, blood would have been running down her legs.
She has never taken any action to visit a hospital or (family) doctor. Statements that the brutal abortion of the Blankespoor brothers have performed on her are completely missing.
A gynecologist who was consulted by Edith Blankespoor afterwards also states that he cannot find any proof that an abortion had been taken place.
– That in this case Gerard Blankespoor and co-defendants were rightly acquitted is therefore fully supported by the written statements of PhD. H.J.G. Soppe and Prof. PhD. H.F.M. Crombag, who both speak about constructed instead of reconstructed memories.
The constructed memories are created with the aid of psychotherapists, who have “helped” Edith Blankespoor to remember what did NOT happen. This psychoanalysis is therefore a non-scientifically based form of therapy with many negative consequences.
The motive of Edith Blankespoor to file false charges against Henk, Fred and Gerard Blankespoor, as well as against Hans Jongsma, must be found in a chronic lack of real attention within the family in which she grew up (the church and being spiritually busy was the order of the day) and a cold, distant mother who hysterically depended on all kinds of gurus.
Her false charge is a clear cry for attention from her surroundings for herself, the pathetic, lonely and neglected girl, who, if only for a short period of time, claimed attention with her lies!